Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Diagnostic Centre India is introducing the Latest Trends

The contemporary society has introduced us with a term, lifestyle disease. Yes it is true that the present lifestyle we are living is so much filled with stress, it cannot lead to healthy living without external help. Today in order to stay healthy, it is really necessary that we should have some restrictions in both food habits and physical conditions. However this counts for the maintenance part, however if you are struck with a disease, then it is highly necessary that there should an appropriate diagnosis and medication given to the same, thus referring to the diagnosis part.

So now when we are taking about diagnosis and treatment, the first thing that has an important role to play here is of a good Diagnostic Centre India. Since this is an industry, which has flourished to its optimum level, and is still on the rise, we shall today discuss about the role and importance of such centres within our lifestyle. Let us have a look at some of the points in this regard

The Rising Awareness

The first point that has enabled a rise in the diagnostic market, is the rising awareness of every individual, and demand for good quality health. Today the amount of awareness is so much that you always want the best treatment and recognition for yourself, along with gathering some information regarding the same, even before paying a visit to the doctor. The courtesy of this shall be completely given to a diagnostic centre. 

The Advancement in Technology and Automation

Another most important points which you refer for acknowledging the rising popularity of this industry, is the advancement in technology and automation of equipment. Diagnostic Centre India with such progress has resulted in reducing the turnaround time for reports thus paving the way for quicker diagnosis.

Self-Monitoring Tools

Last but not the least is the ease of usage of self-monitoring tools. These are some kind of tools which can help you keep a check on yourself and thereby adopt preventive measures.

To find a Lab near you, visit www.lalpathlabs.com

Health Check Up By Diagnostic Center India – Counter Attack for the Outbreak Of Diseases

Monsoons have always been the most craved season. The freshness and brightness of the weather is outstanding enough to make us feel relaxed and restored. However as always said everything has two different aspects, similarly the approach of monsoons, anticipate an outbreak of vector borne diseases. This is the moment when the role of a diagnostic center comes into being. It is these diagnostic centers, which with the help of long health campaigns can combat the battle of monsoon related diseases.

This problem had been authentically solved by some of the Diagnostic Center India, they have taken the step or rather they have taken an endeavor to introduce various health checkup packages that will help you fight all the water borne diseases. This will help you, stay safe and enjoy the colors of monsoon. The diseases that usually attacks in this time of the season are

1.    Leptospirosis
2.    Dengue
3.    Hepatitis

These diagnostic centers helps in screening test and various blood culture, in order to make the analysis accurate and authentic. Yes it is true that an early diagnosis will always help you fetch best results, as under such cases the treatment simply commences at a faster rate and you are sure to receive the medication early.

Thus the proverb, ‘Prevention is better than cure’ is always well established by all these Diagnostic Center India. They restrict the fatal cause and the disastrous effect of any disease, along with acknowledging a tentative solution for the same.

Well when the monsoon is round the corner next time, all these fatal diseases are usually active in their part, and prove to be havoc and disastrous claiming thousands of lives. Nonetheless the process of early diagnosis with the help of an authentic diagnostic center can fetch you an early detection of your disease.

To find a Lab near you, visit www.lalpathlabs.com

Saturday, 17 October 2015

The Evaluation of Diagnostic Centre for Infectious Diseases

Any Diagnostic test, especially for those diseases, which are infectious can be used to demonstrate the presence or even the absence of infection. This is also used to detect the presence of any previous infection (here we are basically taking about the presence of antibodies for the infection), at times even the surrogate maker of infection, for the effective clinical management and the appropriate disease control activity. 

The Diagnostic Centre is therefore that institution which provides a result in time, emphasizes on effective control measures, along with some particular treatments. There are some infections, in which an early diagnosis and treatment can actually play an important role, in preventing the development of long term complications, along with interrupting transmission of the infectious agent. If we see it in a broader context then these tests can have multiple uses, such as the following:

1.       Patient management, particularly when clinical symptoms are not at all specified
2.       Screening for asymptomatic infections
3.       Surveillance of the disease
4.       Epidemiological studies for instance, in which there is a prompt evaluation of disease burden or even the outbreak investigations
5.       Evaluating the effectiveness of interventions
6.       Including verification of elimination
7.       Detecting infections with markers of drug resistance

Every Diagnostic Centre has all the above mentioned facilities, yet there are many variables that can influence the performance of the test in different aspects. These basically involve the differences in the characteristics of the population or to be precise the infectious agent, including the prevalence of the infection, along with its genetic variation. The test methodology for instance and the consumption of recombinant or native antigen or antibody are some of the other factors associated. Therefore, it is always suggested that the test evaluations should be accomplished under wide array of conditions in which they are likely to be utilized in practice. In certain situations, such kind of evaluations can be facilitated through the multi-centre trials.

There have been certain recent technological developments, which have ultimately led to the proliferation of novel and faster diagnostic tests that hold the promise for the improved and accurate control of the diseases. However whether these tests are useful in a given setting, and if this is the case, then which test is appropriate, are some of the questions that can be well answered with the help of evaluations performed by the clinical centre.

To find a Lab near you, visit www.lalpathlabs.com

Thursday, 15 October 2015

The Improvements Required in Diagnostic Services

Diagnostic services are always said to be most important when it comes recognizing any sort of disease. This is indeed important as an early diagnosis will always help in the progress of the treatment. Even the Indian Medical Association, has exclaimed that with multiple number of good diagnostic center, there will be an overall health improvement in the entire region. It has even been seen that the improvement will endow economic, social and medical benefits will be incurred. 

However the scenario is bit different, and most of the diagnostic services in our country are actually being neglected and limited. It is always ignored that the economic, medical and societal benefits of in vitro diagnostic tests are overlooked, whereas these tests can actually provide the following

An improvement in patient care,

A huge contribution to protecting consumer health,

It is also supposed to help to limit healthcare spending, which is one of the major economic issue in our country 

Finally improving the patient caretop

In fact it is said that almost 60% to 70% of maximum medical decisions are drawn upon in the diagnostic test results. They indeed have a significant role to play on the quality of care that is provided. Let us have a look at some of them

The process of detecting and diagnosing disease more rapidly 
Providing assistance in detecting and diagnosing disease at an earlier stage
Accurately determining the disease risk earlier
Selecting the targeted, effective, and often less invasive treatments
It severely helps in monitoring the treatment to effectively manage even chronic diseases
Properly estimating the patient’s prognosis
Protecting the consumer healthtop all time

The above description is enough for us to get acknowledged with the importance of diagnostic services, along with the quality control impacts which it implies over the society. Their specific tests, products and environment are always of top-notch quality to endow the best possible services to us.  

Hence it is proved that diagnostics, indeed play a major role in controlling the entire healthcare spending. They also help in the recognition of the test actively. In fact the tests are carried out by them appropriately in good time, and hence diminish the menace of trial-and-error treatment. It has been estimated that only 1% of the allocated health care funds are designated to diagnostic tests, yet they are supposed to underpin majority of the medical decisions. Hence more amount of concentration should be dedicated here to achieve a healthy living society.

To find a Lab near you, visit www.lalpathlabs.com

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Health Care Development with the Establishment of Aids Diagnostic Centres

HIV, a disease that has been recently developed in India. This is a disease which has taken a high rise in the entire country and indeed getting more and more popular. The deadly character of this disease is so much that mostly people get scared just at the pronunciation of its name. Similarly it is considered that the process of diagnosis of this particular ailment is very complicated, which is actually not true. HIV indeed is something which is most commonly diagnosed by testing your blood or saliva for antibodies to the virus. Though it takes some time for these antibodies to get developed, yet they are detected accurately. 

The development of technology has indeed helped in the augmentation of techniques and ways to detect this ailment quickly. There is a novel kind of test held by the best Aids Diagnostic Centres that checks for HIV antigen, which is the protein produced by the virus, immediately after the infection, and quickly confirms for the diagnosis, as soon as the infection is detected. As said an earlier diagnosis may help people be more protective and prompt enough to take extra precautions. This as well prevents the transmission of this to others. 

There are basically two different types of test that can be conducted, with the help of which you can definitely get hold of best results. The categorization is done accordingly:

1.       The Home Test:
Yes it is true that the food and the drug administration has indeed approved the Home Test, and has accordingly declared that you may simply conduct the test and get is confirmed from your doctor. 

2.       The Lab Test:
This is again the one which involves proper and accurate diagnosis. Yes this is the one, which as prescribed by the doctor, gets done by professionals, and accordingly the results are declared. 

When you have conducted your test from recognized Aids Diagnostic Centres, then there are several types of test that they conduct in order to what stage of the disease you have. Let us have a look at some of those stages. 

  • ·         The CD4 Count:
    A counting of the CD4 Cells, which is nothing but a type of white blood cell that is targeted and destroyed by HIV Virus. The infection progresses to the ailment AIDS when your CD4 count drops below 200.
  • ·         The Viral Load:
    This is the test which is designated to notify the amount of virus present in the blood.
  • ·         The Drug Resistance:
    This is indeed the one that determines whether the strain of HIV, the patient have will be resistant to certain anti-HIV medications.
To find a Lab near you, visit www.lalpathlabs.com

Monday, 12 October 2015

The Organizational Models – The Survival of the Diagnostic Center

“Health is not valued till sickness comes!!” A useful quote by Thomas Fuller, tells us the very fact of life!!

Yes it is true that we do not understand the importance of health, until we fall under the trap of sickness. It is at the same time, that we acknowledge the importance of a diagnostic center. Nowadays, a good quality health care can only be achieved when your diagnostic center have a complete setup and authenticated equipment. Hence they should have an effective model, which possess the capacity of identifying your sickness at the correct time. They should also be able to recognize the discrepancies and have a reliable footprint in the market.

Today let us have a discussion about the particular model which a diagnostic center must possess. Diagnostic Center must articulate a targeted intervention and the measured strategy accurately, so that every symptom of a disease is recognized authentically. The experts must be conversant of both quantitative and qualitative approach, as well as, the various diagnosis models to choose the most appropriate medication objectives, the resources, and even the organizational culture and context for the cure.

Hence in order to acknowledge this completely, let us today have a look at some of the basic models that can be judged from this perspective. The models are the following:

The Elemental Model:

This is the first and the basic model, which contains certain elements to focus the organizational diagnosis. For instance the test strategy, the usage of the tools, the structure, the accurate analysis, the helpful mechanisms, and the authentic identification. Surrounding these boxes, the main environment of the elemental model is to have a genuine dimension and specific experts!!

The Identification Model:

This is one such model, which axes round the recognition of gaps. Every consultants of this model are encouraged to diagnose the following types of gaps, namely:

1.    Gaps between what now exists and what should be
2.    The gap between what has been done and what is exactly required for the cure; for instance, a simple blood test for certain situations, while some high-end techniques for others.
3.    Gaps among the organizational units and layers – in order to emphasize on the convenience of the patients.

The Sharp Image Model:

This is so called an open-system, which sharply focusses on the model to conduct an organizational diagnostic or to keep it simple, thorough diagnosis. The experts in this section indeed emphasizes on the sharp-image diagnosis that begins with a broad scan of the disease and then identify the core problems along with the challenges for close-up examination.

To find a Lab near you, visit www.lalpathlabs.com

An Analysis of Current Trends and General Trends in Diagnostic Industry

When viewed from the perspective of time, it can be seen that there has occurred several changes within the diagnostic industry. A change that has indeed resulted in the consolidation of the entire diagnostic industry, along with some beneficial advantages.

The market size of this industry is pegged at Rs10000 crore and in fact exhibits a healthy growth in the entire market. This is an industry, which is comprised of more than 100,000 labs across the entire country, with 10 per cent of the market being consolidated by three major players.

These major segments which actually needs the services of an authentic Diagnostic Center in India are the following:

•    Doctors who prescribe tests to their patients

•    The corporate clients for wellness programs, along with clinical trial lab support

•    Last but not the least, is the hospitals who need a referral center for specialized tests

The General Trend:

Yes it true that with the rising awareness for healthcare, the demand for high end diagnostics has also grown, and today every customer prefers to partner with such laboratories, that can not only demonstrate the, high levels of accuracy and service, but also provides for some other beneficial services.

Another major change, or should we name it as trend, which has occurred in this industry, is simply the development in technology and automation of equipment. This process has actually reduced the turnaround time for reports, along with providing faster diagnosis.

The trend of all these health care centers are basically to focus is on convenience of the customers, be it through the following:

1.    All variety of tests processed in India,

2.    The home health services

3.    The utilization of technology for result communication

4.    Finally providing a network of collection center’s for easier access

The Novel Trends:

We have till now discussed about the general trends of diagnostic industry, however with the passage of time we are indeed witnessing those trends, which will actually create substantial changes in the entire landscape of this industry, in the near-term.  The spread of more information and awareness, have actually made preventive healthcare and self-monitoring, propagate enormously.

There is definitely a conflict between the increasing lifestyle disease in the population and the increase in the level of awareness, concerned with the mortality ratio of these diseases. Nowadays we even see, young adults between ages of 30 to 45, suffering from heart attacks and severe diabetes. The recent trends in the diagnostics have introduced tools like health checks and regular testing equipment, so that these deadly diseases can be curbed out, along with having someone enjoy a healthy living. 

Hence the pathology lab in India has expanded beyond diagnostic tests to offering wellness solutions and guidance under one roof!!

To find a Lab near you, visit www.lalpathlabs.com