Friday, 28 August 2015

Everything about Lung Cancer – A Study by Diagnostic Centers in India

Lung cancer develops in lungs. It is one of the most common kinds of cancer, which is found in both men and women. It is believed that people who smoke have the biggest risk of lung cancer. The condition of the patient becomes worse with time, which can even lead to death if not treated early. 

Finding out the causes of Lung Cancer

Majority of times lung cancer is caused due to smoking. Not only the smokers but also the people who inhale the smoke might develop lung cancer. However, studies at diagnostic centers in India have shown that there are number of cases wherein people who never smoked in their life also develop lung cancer. In such cases, no tentative reason is found behind the disease. 

In addition to these, those having family history of lung cancer also have an increased risk of this kind of cancer. 

Watch out these symptoms of lung cancer

Lung cancer may not show any symptoms during early stages. This is perhaps the main reason why this disease often becomes incurable. As lung cancer progresses, the patient may start experiencing symptoms such as a new cough, chronic cough, blood in cough, shortness of breath, chest pain or wheezing. This is a clear indication of cancer of lung and thus, one must get diagnosed at one of the trusted diagnostic centers in India.

Other than these, symptoms like unusual weight loss, pain in the bones and headaches are also key signs that indicate that you might be the one with lung cancer. 

Explaining the types of lung cancer

Lung cancer is broadly divided into two types, which is determined as per the appearance of lung cancer cells. 

First one is the small cell lung cancer, which usually targets heavy smokers. The other one is non-small cell lung cancer, which includes several kinds of cancers like squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma.

What are the tests for lung cancer?

If doctor suspects that a person has lung cancer, several tests are conducted to confirm the disease. The test procedure includes imagining test, sputum cytology and tissue sample (biopsy).

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Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Why to Visit Diagnostic Center when you can use Insulin at Home

Insulin is often used as an important therapy to treat diabetics. However, not many people are aware about the role of insulin in maintaining the blood sugar level.

Insulin helps in regulating the sugar in our bloodstream by keeping the level normal. As we eat food, insulin level goes high and excess glucose gets stored in the liver as glycogen. Between the meals, when insulin level goes down, the liver starts releasing this glycogen in the blood. This thus, keeps the overall sugar level in a narrow range.

For the people with diabetes, visiting a good diagnostic center is necessary to understand the benefits of insulin, its side effects, and usage.

Taking Insulin at Home

There are many ways to take insulin including syringes, pens, pumps, and jet injectors. However, it is essential to know the right procedure so as to avoid any complications.

Needle and syringe

In this type of therapy, a needle is inserted into a vial to suck the required amount of insulin, which is then injected into the subcutaneous space. While using syringe, make sure that you use shorter needles as it reduces the discomfort. Never use a syringe more than once and avoid sharing a used syringe/needle. After use, dispose the syringe/needle in a puncture-resistant container.

Insulin Pen

Some people also use insulin pens as it is helpful for those with poor eyesight. It avoids over- or under-dosing of insulin. While using an insulin pen, avoid prolonged exposure to cold or heat. Never re-use needles or share your needles with others.

Insulin Pump

This is a good option for diabetics and is highly recommended by every diagnostic center. Now days many reputed companies are manufacturing insulin pumps, which are computerized and flexible in nature. The pump avoids the chances of overdosing and should be used as prescribed by a physician.

Jet Injection

This injection can be used by those who cannot bear needles. It has several insulin doses and works simply by holding it against the skin and pushing the button, which forces the insulin into the body. Jet injection is not commonly used as other insulin therapies.

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Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Questions to Ask Your Cardiologist – A Patient’s Guide

Dr Lal PathLabs is one of the top diagnostic centres inIndia, which cater the patients with cardiac problems using state of the art technology. Lal PathLabs has truly revolutionized the world of cardiology testing by bringing in some avant-garde techniques to make the examination easier and accurate.  

Dr Lal PathLabs offers world class counselling for cardiology. The Doctors here suggest that while planning a visit to the cardiologist, it is best to be prepared with all the necessary things to help him in examining you the best possible way.

Some of the key things that need to be taken care of while visiting a cardiologist are:

Make a List of Your Current Medications
While visiting your heart specialist, do make a note of all your current medications on a paper. This is an extremely important source of information for the cardiologists. Do not forget to mention the name of medication allergies. These information helps in organising the tests of the patients.

Carry Your Medical History Reports
Make a report of your past health history including any major or minor illness, tests conducted and any accidents experienced. These information can help the cardiologist in understanding your medical history and preparing the most suitable treatment plan.

Your Family History Is Important Too
Compile the health history of your blood relatives including brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents, and children. From the perspective of cardiology, these reports tell whether anyone in your family ever had a heart problem, high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, or aneurysm. This acts as a great clue in identifying the risks that might be developing in your body.

Be Prepared With Questions
Please don’t hesitate in asking your cardiologist all the questions hovering in your mind. This can help in correcting some misapprehensions and unnecessary worries budding up inside you. Some of the queries regarding diabetes, cholesterol, obesity, etc. can be answered by a trained cardiologist.

Being one of the top diagnostic centres in India, Dr Lal PathLabs houses a panel of well-experienced cardiologists who are expert in conducting all kinds of cardiology tests. Apart from performing the prescribed tests, they can also offer smart counselling to the patients, which can help them in improving their health condition. 

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Kinds of HIV Tests Performed At Aids Diagnostic Centres

HIV infection is an extremely overwhelming disease that can severely damage your immune system if not treated with proper medication.  This then leads to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), which often results in death. Thus, it is extremely important to get oneself tested with AIDS infection by visiting AIDS diagnostic centres for more clarity of the condition of the disease.

Now days, a number of tests are being used to detect the antibodies and antigen in the body. These tests sometimes act as life saviours in screening recently acquired infections.

This test is used for screening, and delivers results within 30 minutes or less.  In this, samples of blood or oral fluids are collected to detect antibodies to HIV. On finding the reports positive, doctors then advise the patient to undergo other advanced tests for HIV by visiting AIDS Diagnostic Centres to confirm the results.

On finding the results positive for rapid test, some follow up diagnosing tests are recommended. These include an antibody distinction examination to differentiate HIV-1 from HIV-2. Though rapid tests are generally accurate, a follow up test confirms the results and helps in planning the right treatment.

There are two kinds of home HIV tests available naming the Home Access HIV-1 Test System and the OraQuick In-home HIV test. Home Access HIV-1 Test System includes a home collection kit wherein you need to prink your finger to get a blood sample, which is then sent to the licensed AIDS diagnostic centres for examination. The test results are purely anonymous.

The OraQuick In-Home HIV Test shows its results at home only. You need to swab your mouth for an oral fluid sample by using the kit and the results will be with you within 20 minutes. However, it has been studies that 1 in 12 people may get a false result for OraQuick In-Home HIV Test.

RNA is one of the best tests for HIV patients as it can detect the virus at about 10 days after infection. This is a kind of follow up test performed by experienced doctors.

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Tuberculosis (TB) Diagnoses by Diagnostic Centres in India

Tuberculosis (TB) is a kind of infection that affects the lung severely. Though anyone can develop TB, those with poor health conditions can fall in its trap very easily. The treatment of TB is a long one, which must be followed properly for treating this disease successfully. It is a highly communicable disease and can affect the family members, especially babies on coming in contact with the TB patient.

In most of the cases, TB starts affecting the lungs first. The TB bacteria gets released in the air through cough or sneeze. Those who breathe in this bacteria can have Tb as these germs multiply as soon as they enter in the lungs. This leads to various kinds of infections which can be diagnosed by visiting one of the diagnostic centres in India.

Sometimes the symptoms of TB cannot be seen in those with good health. They work slowly and steadily, and multiply in number. This affects the overall immune system with time, and thus, it takes time to detect the signs of TB. Such early infections can be diagnosed only with the help of a chest X-ray in which a small scar can be seen on the lung which indicates TB infection.

When TB bacteria attacks the lung, the immune system fails to fight against the invading bacteria. This bacteria then further multiplies and starts spreading in other body parts as well. The real symptoms of active TB can be seen after 6-8 weeks only.

Doctors say that sometimes TB infection takes even years to develop as an active TB. Initially, the immune system stops the increasing TB bacteria in the body, but some bacteria remain in the body which stay inactive for a period of time. Later they become active and start multiplying causing active TB.

In most of the cases, TB patients are elderly or frail. Diabetics and those having kidney failure also develop TB due to weak immune system. 

The most common symptom of TB is coughing that lasts more than three weeks. It starts with dry cough and becomes worse with time if not treated. After that, symptoms like high temperature, sweats, weight loss, chest pain, and poor appetite follow. Some people even feel breathing problem if the infection reaches to the lung and starts damaging it.

Thus, diagnosing TB is important by visiting one of the licenced diagnostic centres in India. The labs start with a chest X-ray, tuberculin skin test, followed by phlegm (sputum) tests.

Doctors also recommend blood test and HIV tests for TB patients to screen the overall health condition of the patient. 

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Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Computerized Diagnostic Centres – Changing the Face of Health Care Sector

It is the age of technology. Every sector in India today is undergoing a transformation by deploying latest technology, which can increase the work efficiency and cut down the delivery time. India’s healthcare is also relishing the benefits of state of the art techniques to bring in a revolution in the health care sector of the country.

Not many knew in the past that technology can bring in a significant change in the health care sector. From supplying heavy data to conducting operations using cloud services , health care today has become way more advanced by giving rise to the computerized diagnostic centresHere are some key areas where tech is playing a great part in uplifting the health care industry.

Microchips Modelling Clinical Trials
Technology helps the clinicians in streamlining, improving and transforming the old health care system which was way too bulky and intricate. Many of the computerized diagnostic centres have introduced microchip modelling clinical trials to bring in more accuracy and to eliminate animal models in testing.

Wearable Technology like Google Glass
Though wearable technology is still a new bee for Indian healthcare industry, it is one of the smartest things to use in a laboratory. This kind of technology helps the doctors and clinicians in interacting with the patients while drawling out their medical history using the Google Glass. This also acts as a real time education for the students of medicines. 

This latest technology called optogenetics helps the neuroscientists in controlling brain activities using light. This is a blessing for the medical science as it has superb advantages for the doctors in understanding the complex network of neurons.

Easy Communications with Doctors Worldwide
Cloud social networking has turned out to be a great innovation for doctors wherein they can get connected to a specialist sitting in any corner of the world to discuss about some cases. They can even collaborate online on complex cases to provide the best possible treatment to the patient.

Hybrid Operating Roomscomplex
Hybrid operation rooms are boon for the medical sector as they improvise the skill-sets of the doctors and medical practitioners, thus, providing an advance level of treatment to the patients. Along with the traditional surgical methods, doctors also use advanced imaging technologies while performing an operation which minimize the risks involved in the procedures. 

Easy Data Handling
Many hospitals have started using smart computerized software to store the heavy data of the patients. Thus, doctors can easily track the medical history of the patient, conduct medical research and analyse various treatment options.

Computerized diagnostic centres are the need of the hour and India’s health care sector is making all possible efforts to go fully tech-savvy in the coming years. 

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Types of Diagnostic Centre Ultrasound Scan

Ultrasound is the most common and useful way of capturing the images of internal fetus structure. In this method, high-frequency sound waves are used to produce images of slices. The main advantages of ultrasound are that it offers a real time visualization, is non- invasive and is way more interactive than any other similar technology. Thus, diagnostic centre ultrasound scan has become the most common procedure in the health care sector to diagnose the health of a fetus and its development.

2D ultrasound
2D ultrasound is the traditional way of scanning the images of fetus. Under this, the reflected ways produce black and white images and still films from the recording done.  2D ultrasound is widely used by doctors today for the detailed evaluation of fetal anatomy as it is non-expensive and safe.

3D ultrasound
This is the latest diagnostic centre ultrasound scan that provides acquisition of volume data, including a bit differing 2D images at different angles. These images are generated using high-speed computing software which offers 3-dimensional images. 3D ultrasound is gaining popularity as it presents a far better visualization of fetus’s heart structures. It can also diagnose fetal face defects and fetal skeletal defects.

In addition to this, 3D ultrasound doesn’t require high level of operator skills for detecting common fetal anomalies. For example, if an operator needs to diagnose the fetus heart, he just needs to move the reference dot as per the required angle. 

4D ultrasound
4D ultrasound is the latest and most advanced technology wherein the doctors can diagnose the fetus using live streaming video of the images. 4D ultrasound helps in studying the motion of various moving organs of the fetus.

Both 3D and 4D ultrasound are extremely beneficial in screening and diagnosing the fetus. These scans are though expensive, they offer a delightful experience to the parents wherein they see their baby’s face and other parts.

However, even after so many benefits, studies show that 3D and 4D ultrasound have some side-effects on the fetus as they use higher-than-normal levels of ultrasound energy. Sometimes the ultrasound sessions are far too long which can again affect the fetus in a bad way. Thus, parents must discuss about which ultrasound they are going through, its benefits, and also the side effects with their doctor. Also, all the ultrasound procedures must be conducted by a trained professional only.

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Common Questions Asked At Aids Diagnostic Centres

The number of AIDS patients in India are increasing by leaps and bounds today. And the reason behind is lack of awareness. The blog educates you with some of the most common yet important queries of AIDS patients.

What is AIDS?
AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a disease that makes the body incapable of fighting against infectious diseases. It starts with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) which can spread through unprotected sex, sharing needles, or accidentally stuck with a sharp item that is contaminated with HIV virus. However, as this virus cannot survive outside our body, it cannot spread by consuming drinking glasses, casual kissing, or by coming in contact with the sweat or urine of HIV infected person.

What Are the Symptoms of AIDS?
It is important to know that the initial stage of HIV is an acute stage when the virus multiplies with a faster pace. During this period, the patients face symptoms like tiredness, sudden weight loss, frequent fever, yeast infections and skin problems. On experiencing these signs, patients must visit one of the AIDS diagnostic centres to undergo all the tests necessary to diagnose this infection.

How Can I Get Tested for AIDS?
Most of the AIDS diagnostic centres perform a number of tests to check the condition of the patient. It is vital to seek the right counselling about HIV and AIDS before undergoing any test. Thereafter, the clinicians start with traditional testing method of collecting blood samples, saliva samples and cheek swabs to determine whether the patient is infected with HIV or AIDS virus.

What if I test HIV positive?
If your test result is positive, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and positive attitude. Contact a good doctor who can evaluate your health condition by referring to the reports of the AIDSdiagnostic centre. There are a number of beneficial tests, immunizations and drug treatments which can easily control the infection in early stages.

Is there anything I can do to stay healthy?
HIV patients must lead a healthy lifestyle with a positive outlook towards their condition. They must share their feeling with their loved ones and gain all kind of right information which might prove helpful in their treatment. HIV patients must not forget to maintain regular check-ups with their doctor to know the progress their body is making and to know how their body is reacting to the treatment offered.

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Monday, 3 August 2015

Breast Cancer in Men – A Study by Diagnostic Centers in India

Most of the people today are living with the myth that breast cancer can be found only in women. However, this thought is completely wrong as men also do suffer from breast cancer.

Though men are almost 100 times less likely to suffer with breast cancer than women, their chances of surviving is same as that of women.

Today, Diagnostic center in india are seeing a number of cases of breast cancer in men. The most common symptom examined in them include a lump in the breast tissue which may be or may not be painful.

A positive thing about breast cancer in men is that their disease can be diagnosed at a very early stage than women as men usually do not have any kind of lumps in the breast area. Other less common symptoms can be nipple discharge and thickening in breast tissue which must not be ignored and must be examined by visiting a diagnostic center in India or outside for best possible treatment.

It is extremely important for males to know the key risk factors that may lead to breast cancer. Sometimes the breast cancer in men is genetic, associated with the BRCA2 gene, which arouses the chances of breast cancer in both men and women. Thus, it’s important to contact a genetic counsellor and undergoing genetic tests to make sure whether the breast cancer you are carrying is genetic or not.

Other common risk factors include radiation exposure, increased weight, smoking, chronic alcoholism, and high level of hormone estrogen.

One of the most common types of male breast cancer as studied by the Diagnostic centres in india is infiltrating ductal carcinoma, which is also found in women. Some other less common kinds of breast cancer that are found in men are ductal carcinoma, cystosarcoma phylloides and Paget's disease of the breast. All these types of cancers of breast need to be diagnosed early and must be treated by following an extensive treatment.

Just as women’s breast cancer, the treatment for breast cancer in men also depends on the stage of the disease and the health of the patient. The treatment starts with blood tests for breast cancer like mammography, and ultrasound. Some other important tests include MRI, chest X-Rays, and bone scan which detect the severity of the cancer and its stage.

Once the tests are conducted, the patients undergo surgery treatment named modified radical mastectomy wherein the breast is removed, if needed. Sometimes, doctors also remove portions of the muscles of the chest.

Once the surgery is conducted successfully, the patient is advised to continue some adjuvant therapies such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, and hormone therapy.

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