Insulin is often
used as an important therapy to treat diabetics. However, not many people are
aware about the role of insulin in maintaining the blood sugar level.
Insulin helps in
regulating the sugar in our bloodstream by keeping the level normal. As we eat
food, insulin level goes high and excess glucose gets stored in the liver as
glycogen. Between the meals, when insulin level goes down, the liver starts
releasing this glycogen in the blood. This thus, keeps the overall sugar level
in a narrow range.
For the people
with diabetes, visiting a good diagnostic center is necessary to understand the benefits of insulin, its side effects,
and usage.
Taking Insulin at Home
There are many
ways to take insulin including syringes, pens, pumps, and jet injectors.
However, it is essential to know the right procedure so as to avoid any
Needle and syringe
In this type of
therapy, a needle is inserted into a vial to suck the required amount of insulin,
which is then injected into the subcutaneous space. While using syringe, make
sure that you use shorter needles as it reduces the discomfort. Never use a
syringe more than once and avoid sharing a used syringe/needle. After use,
dispose the syringe/needle in a puncture-resistant container.
Insulin Pen
Some people also
use insulin pens as it is helpful for those with poor eyesight. It avoids over-
or under-dosing of insulin. While using an insulin pen, avoid prolonged
exposure to cold or heat. Never re-use needles or share your needles with
Insulin Pump
This is a good
option for diabetics and is highly recommended by every diagnostic center. Now days many reputed companies are
manufacturing insulin pumps, which are computerized and flexible in nature. The
pump avoids the chances of overdosing and should be used as prescribed by a
Jet Injection
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